Doodling Nazgûl

The Nazgûl (from Black Speech nazg, “ring”, and gûl, “wraith, spirit”, possibly related to gul, “sorcery”), also called Ringwraiths, Ring-wraiths, Black Riders, Dark Riders, the Nine Riders, or simply the Nine, are characters in J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth legendarium. They were nine men who succumbed to Sauron’s power and attained near-immortality as wraiths, servants bound to the power of the One Ring and completely under the dominion of Sauron. They are first mentioned in The Lord of the Rings, originally published in 1954–1955. The book calls the Nazgûl Sauron’s “most terrible servants”.

I have always been a LOTR (Lord of the Rings) fan… and when I settled down in Argentina I started to play LOTRO (an MMO set in Middle Earth, a very nice relaxed introduction to massive online gaming if that interests you…if not please continue…) and this ignited that passion again, I started doodling LOTR inspired stuff and I am particularly proud of the following Nazgûl sketch (A5 ball pen on paper, the scan is very grey I do apologize):

Nazgul doodle

This sketch arose from the following doodles:

nazgul sketch3 nazgul sketch2 nazgul sketch1

David Denison Portrait by Britton Brothers

Britton Brothers

From their own blog:

DAVID DENISON (11th Jul 2013)


‘Looking through some of the great paintings that Dave Denison painted in the 70’s and 80’s I think it is a shame he ever put down the brush. For him however, he is on a more important journey. I’m unsure what this is but he reassures me we’re all taking it together. He always has his nose in a book or at his computer screen, decoding words and transforming them into numerical values. Obsessing about the number nine or five (I should write this 9 or 5 for his sake really),he tries his best to teach me his learned findings, but alas it is lost.

With a glazed look in my eyes we move onto other subjects of conversation and with this my interest is captured once more as he casually talks about the time he was in conversation with Lee Miller at her home where she lived with Roland Penrose. Through Penrose he met other great artists from the Surrealist movement and Dada. In fact the creator of Dada, Max Ernst travelled over from the continent to view an exhibition of Dave’s work in London.

With Dave continueing his history of when he used to paint, I photograph him in various rooms of his house which are filled with interesting artifacts which, according to him and astro physicians are resonating energy. A great man who will remain with me

A few images of the artist and his home can be viewed in the Portfolio section of the site.’

I would love to see more portraits of this creative individual.

Dave Denison British Surrealist and Number fetishist!

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The first ever painting exhibition I ever went to, where I knew the artist, a friend of my Dad. I was 7 or 8.

The Human Face of Surrealism: Paintings By David Denison

Out for a curry in Leeds one lunch with my Dad, he decided on the spur of the moment to drive round to visit Dave, in Wakefield, I think, or was he in Leeds? But we got to his house and he wasn’t there. I never did meet the guy that painted the most impressionable images that decorated the wall of the house I grew up in!

He now devotes his time to numbers and his site is pretty mind-blowing, a melange of sacred texts, numbers and colour inter-spaced with surreal imagery, his own:

screenshot of webpage

‘The founder of this site is an artist David Denison, who was among one of the leading exponents of surrealism in Britain in the 70s and 80s, he believes that his art formed the stepping stones along the journey which inevitably culminated in the emergence of the website as his life’s work, therefore you will find much of his work is embodied within the fabric of the site. Also you will find that the presentation of what is an immense farm of hopefully thought provoking and mind-set altering information has a relatively artistic leaning, with dramatic use of colour as a vehicle of communication including background colour switches.’


Wot? More tentacles?


1 – David Dureulle
2 – Eugenia Loli
3 – Eugenia Loli
4 – Shintaro Kago

In zoology: ‘A tentacle is a flexible, mobile, elongated organ present in some species of animals, most of them invertebrates.’

In art: ‘A tentacle is a flexible, mobile, elongated organ that can symbolize all of the following: complexity, diversity, variability, intelligence, insight, vision, mystery, illusion and hints at associations with the sea, moon, concept of the spiral and all that is eight!’

Korean Film Poster: ‘PSYCHO does SYNCHRO!’

Pycho does synchro the musical

The Guardian are having a Poster competition: you can enter here

The above creation was not allowed (and I could not be bothered to correct the soundtrack text again!)

I had to enter the following:


The Soundtrack can be heard by clicking on the following links:

Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell – Ain’t No Mountain High Enough

Manu Chao -Bongo Bong

The Beatles – Back In The USSR

Stranglers – North Winds Blowing

Massive Attack – Unfinished Symphony

Rage Against the Machine – Township Rebellion

Redman & Methodman – Fire Ina Hole

Bob Marley – Redemption Song

Dire Straits – The Man’s Too Strong

Queen – Who Wants To Live Forever